Gulasz z bażantów
Venison - Goulash with pheasants
Gulasz z bażantów
Venison - Goulash with pheasants
Przygotowanie 30min.
Gotowanie 1godz.
2 bażanty,
4 cebule,
5 dużych pomidorów,
100g smalcu,
1 kg. ziemniaków,
3 marchwie,
Sposób przygotowania:
Bażanty sprawić, opłukać i podzielić na części, lekko posolić i posypać papryką.
Cebulę pokroić w plastry, podsmażyć na smalcu, dodać kminek i resztę papryki,chwilę poddusić.
Dodać bażanty,lekko podlać wodą i dusić. Po 20min. dodać pokrojoną w plasterki marchew,następnie ziemniaki pokrojone w kostkę,a na 10min. przed końcem duszenia pomidory pokrojone w plastry.
Trzeba pilnować ,aby woda całkowicie nie wyparowała i podlewać od czasu do czasu.
Podawać wtedy gdy bażant będzie miękki.
Venison - Goulash with pheasants
Preparation 30 min.
Cooking 1hr.
2 pheasants,
4 onions,
5 large tomatoes
100g lard
1 kg. potatoes,
3 carrots,
pepper, cumin, salt.
Pheasants make, rinse and divide into pieces, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.
Slice the onion into slices, fry in lard, add the cumin and the rest of pepper stew a while.
Add pheasant, lightly watered with water and simmer. After 20min. add sliced carrots,then potatoes, diced, and 10min. before the end of stewing tomatoes cut into slices.
It should be supervised to ensure that the water completely evaporated and water fromtime to time.
Serve when the pheasant is tender.
Enjoy your meal.
Cooking 1hr.
2 pheasants,
4 onions,
5 large tomatoes
100g lard
1 kg. potatoes,
3 carrots,
pepper, cumin, salt.
Pheasants make, rinse and divide into pieces, sprinkle lightly with salt and pepper.
Slice the onion into slices, fry in lard, add the cumin and the rest of pepper stew a while.
Add pheasant, lightly watered with water and simmer. After 20min. add sliced carrots,then potatoes, diced, and 10min. before the end of stewing tomatoes cut into slices.
It should be supervised to ensure that the water completely evaporated and water fromtime to time.
Serve when the pheasant is tender.
Enjoy your meal.
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